Ecotinsel developed and handcrafted by husband & wife team on a mission to rid the world of non-recyclable PVC tinsel which ends up in landfill leaching dioxins .
Ecotinsel is unique - always 100% recyclable , plastic free & PVC-free

All about Ecotinsel
Ecotinsel is a totally handcrafted garland
- 100% recyclable garlands
- Made from 100% recycled paper
- PVC- free
- Plastic – free
- Every garland is a handcrafted to the highest possible standards.
- Every garland has over 1000 precision handmade cuts!
- Every Ecotinsel garland is a minimum of 180cm in length.
- 8cm wide strips of paper results in a super bushy garland.
- We don’t hold stock, every garland is handcrafted to order.
- The environmentally friendly materials we use, means there may be small variations in colour, size & design.
- Ecotinsel is easy hang! Every garland has hanging rings incorporated into the garland design
Visit our shop to purchase your Ecotinsel garlands (delivered to you in eco-friendly packaging)
Contact us for bespoke design service

So what is so bad about traditional PVC tinsel?
1) Toxins and Dioxins in manufacture
All traditional tinsel is made from polyvinylchloride (PVC) film, coated with a metallic finish. PVC, because of its high chlorine content , creates toxic pollution. PVC requires more toxic additives than any other plastic. PVC produces harmful dioxins in their manufacture. PVC is the world's third most-widely produced synthetic plastic
2) Not recyclable
Huge amounts of Christmas decorations, especially tinsel go to landfill every year. It can’t be easily recycled.
3) Doesn’t decompose & leaches chemicals
Once in landfill, PVC doesn’t readily decompose but as it slowly degrades it is leaching a number of dangerous chemicals.

A few years ago, my wife was looking for more environmentally friendly Christmas decorations - without much luck. We researched and found that PVC traditional tinsel ends up in landfill and found there were no eco alternative.
I started to design and develop Econtinsel with many tests and trials! We launched our company in September 2017 and now have a complete range of 100% recycled paper garlands that I handcraft to order.
I live in South Wales, UK with my wife and our two hungarian vizsla dogs.